Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Calm Before the Storm

In the days when I was a road warrior, I established a rhythm for the week before the show, conference or meeting I was flying off to attend or manage. A compulsive list-maker, I would write down tasks organized by category, date and priority. Long-hand, on a little yellow pad that would tuck into my purse or into my 3-ring binder that seemed to weigh a hundred pounds by the end of the day.

Sound familiar?

Times have changed. I am adapting to iPhone, iPad, apps and social networking to stay organized and feel in control. And I’ll be doing the same thing from the Conference and Tradeshow floor next week. So if you aren’t able to join us at the Idea Factory, you can still stay current with what’s happening by following this blog and my Twitter account. I’ll be reporting as it happens, from the keynote presentations to the events that always seem to overwhelm me with sensations. 

It’s calm right now, but the wild and crazy wonderfulness is coming. Tune in, and be a part!


  1. After attending last year, I was so looking forward to it again this year, but had to cancel last minute (yesterday).
    Now, I won't feel so 'out of the loop', and can keep up with what I'm missing!
    Thanks for sharing...
